Blue water ripple as Cross - religious metaphor
Power Podcast Series
Daily Inspiration = Professional Transformation

The lessons in our daily podcasts have helped shape the cultures of companies and have inspired entrepreneurs to become better, more productive leaders. If you or your company is interested in receiving customized daily training content delivered via audio podcasts, we can help. Imagine all your team members receiving a daily message on their mobile devices designed to keep them inspired and performing like never before.

Plant the Seed

Of all the amazing wonders on the planet, few can compare to the simple seed. The small acorn produces the magnificent oak tree. One small

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Vision Correction

Research shows that more than half of the US population wears corrective lenses; also know as  eyeglasses. They go to the optometrist, receive a prescription

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Paternity Test

In today’s society, there are very reliable tests that can be taken to determine the father of a child. DNA samples will override birth certificates,

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Take a Stand

Throughout history, we have seen change come about only AFTER the people take a stand. From peaceful protests and boycotts to silent marches to the

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Elementary School

Think of all the fun we had in elementary school. We colored, enjoyed recess, made great friends and most of all, we learned. We were

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What’s Your Style?

We live in a society where style dominates. There are hairstyles, clothing styles, lifestyles and fashion styles to name a few. Our style reflects our uniqueness

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Soul Food

We are all familiar with the mouth-watering, taste bud tempting meals commonly referred to as Soul Food. We drive great distances to get these specialties

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Sound Proof

Recording artists and top vocalists visit the studio when they want to record a new album. Studios are sound proof environments where no outside noise

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Bold Is Beautiful

We must admit, we all like things that are bold. When eating out, we prefer foods with bold flavors. Most like bold colors (reds, blacks,

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The Cry Babies

Babies are known for crying. From the time the newborn makes it home from the hospital, you can expect many days (or years) of consistent

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Self Starters

Inspire passion and grow your business in 8 minutes or less Almost every machine created requires a person to start it before each use. From

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