
Stormy Weather

We’ve all had experience in dealing with storms. From tornadoes and hurricanes to snow storms, high winds and hail, storms are common in nature. As…

The Produce Section

We are all familiar with the produce section in our favorite grocery stores. The is the area where fresh fruits and vegetables are displayed. We…

False Advertising

We all appreciate accurate messages; which is why false advertising is so disappointing. It is common for us to expect to receive exactly what our…

Stand Up Comedy

We all like a good laugh and smiling is contagious. However, on many business team throughout the world, people arenaâ„¢t laughing enough. Stress, pressure and…

The Elephant in the Room

Wouldn’t it be great if problems just disappeared over time? Unfortunately, that’s not the case. We have to face our challenges head on before they…

Welcome Back

We all enjoy Welcome Back Parties. When loved ones have been away for a considerable amount of time, we want to show them how much…

I Have A Dream

As children, we dreamed all the time. We envisioned becoming successful adults, dreamed of exciting places to go and wonderful things to do. However, as…

The Energizers

Think of all the energy sources on the planet. There is electricity, oil and gas, coal and the list goes on. Conservationists are constantly seeking…