HBCU Initiative
A Resource for HBCU’s
Simply Success is committed to assisting Historically Black Colleges and Universities with the soft skills needed to build stronger faculty, staff and student bodies. Students attending HBCU’s can have the added benefit of graduating with soft skills certifications in several areas that are critical to success in the corporate and or entrepreneurial world. These include:
- Leadership
- Team Building
- Time Management
- Conflict Resolution
- Focus
- Effective Decision Making
- Problem Solving and much more
Our courses are designed to increase emotional intelligence and have been proven to increase productivity, morale and confidence amongst its learners.

Powerful Soft Skills Courses and Cutting Edge Technology

Your HBCU can boosts its online presence with Simply Success. Here are just a few of the many features HBCUs receive through the Simply Success partnership:
Customized Soft Skills Portal (powered by Simply Success)
- Mobile Friendly – Private and Secure – Turnkey and Headache Free – Auto Tests/Certifications
- Access to Soft Skills Assessments
- Access to Dozens of Courses
- Hundreds of Video Based Lessons
- Daily Soft Skills Podcasts
- Access to Virtual Internship Programs (students)
- Live Soft Skills Training and Workshops (faculty/staff)
Move the Needle
Our soft skills programs help HBCUs make a positive impact in the following areas:

More parents and students are seeking institutions that offer stackable credentials such as soft skills certifications. The addition of a branded, online soft skills platform will aid in boosting student recruitment.

Soft skills training is essential to retaining employees. For some employees, professional development is more valuable than a raise in pay. The more your team learns, the more effective they become. This increases employee loyalty, morale and productivity.

Each time your students, faculty and or staff members earn their first soft skills certification, Simply Success donates access to its soft skills training programs to someone less fortunate. Single mothers, at risk teens, disabled veterans and others can have your HBCU to thank for their empowerment and professional development. Simply Success is the only company that offers a one to one match with soft skills training.

By keeping employees longer, making them more effective and by leveraging the Simply Success platform as a recruiting tool, your HBCU can achieve more revenues. The soft skills message also resonates with donors as they can all agree with its benefits.