
Are you Confident in your adaptability and worth ethic skills?  By:Kailey McFeeley

Are you Confident in your adaptability and worth ethic skills?

Do you ever doubt your worth ethic or adaptability skills?



Kailey McFeeley



My initial assessment prior to starting this course; was that I knew I was not always the most confident going into a school presentation or a work interview, etc. I do feel as though I would always try and prepare beforehand which would make me feel better about it, but I would still be somewhat anxious prior to whatever I was going to be doing. With that being said, I knew there would be areas that I could improve in that related to both adaptability and worth ethic skills, which is why I was so excited to learn more.


Now that I’m currently an intern here at Success Training Institute, I’m excited to be able to improve my adaptability and worth ethic skills and apply them now while I’m currently in college, and after when I soon enter the workforce. One of the specific courses that stood out to me, was the course on adaptability and worth ethic. I found this one to be important and influential to me because I personally am working on entering the career field post college, and everything that I took from the course will guide me throughout my future successes.


My personal experiences throughout this course made me reflect back on how every individual wants to be wanted. This course explains why and what companies want for their teams, and the qualities they are seeking from certain individuals. This specific course will help me earn measurable skill gains and learn how to be wanted in the workforce. The workforce is seeking individuals that will go after what they want without giving up. After receiving my soft skills certificate that was emailed to me right after completion, I will better be able to address upcoming adaptability or worth ethic challenges. 


I know it will be a huge change for me once I graduate college and attempt a real full time job position. I also know that Success Training Institute is setting me up for my future in the best way possible in hopes to get me ready for the career field I am about to embark in. I am very appreciative of Success Training Institute and all of the steps, recommendations, and advice, I will receive post completing all my work on simplysuccess.com.